🇪🇸 🇪🇸 Dale a like o comenta si quieres el POKEMON GO BOK TAG también en Español!! 🇪🇸 🇪🇸

Hi everyone! It’s Anna, again, after a reaaaaally long time. Have you (any of you) missed me? I HAVE MISSED YOU, GUYS! 

I know Englis h posts have been pretty… missing lately, but I have been through things this past couple of weeks tath kept me busy, but I’m back, and I hope to be here still for the longest time possible. #TGIF posts will return (at some point this month) and I am embracing books in English again, so reviews will be up as well as soon as I finish reading what I’m currently reading (just to keep the excitement, you know?)

So today I’m here with this amazing and funny and amazing (did I already sais that?) book tag that I saw on Aprilius Maximus You Tube Channel (click on the name so you can see the video), and that is………….. 🎆 🎆 🎆


It was originally created by the amazing blog that I just discovered and I TOTALLY FELL IN LOVEE WITH, Read At Midnight AND she created as well all the images I’ll be using below (which are, by the way, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life…. and I have seen pretty much through 19 years, you know), so give her all the credit because she earned it and she deserves THE BEST BECAUSE SHE HAVE MIXED POKEMONS AND BOOKS AND I THINK THAT IS WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS . Thanks! You go, girl! 

Without further do, let’s get into it! (I must confess I haven’t donwload Pokemon Go yet, but I have been playing Pokemon since I was, like, 9 years old with my brother. I remember we used to imagine that we had our own team and we lived a pretty much normal life, but with pokemons with us and that was awesome! I’m sorry…. let’s do the TAG!!!!)


I’m not sorry for what I am about to say, but the book that got me into reading is and always will be Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. 🍎  I remember watching the movie and go straight to the closest book shop to buy the book because omg I was obsessedI love Twilight and I always will. Oh, and the book that got me out of the biggest reading slump EVER (I couldn’t read anything for…2 years or so) is The Lux by Anna Godbersen. It is so Gossip Girl that hurts. 😍


I have to say here The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, because I’m so into deep and unfortunate love stories that, uh, I love this one so much! It hides so much more than just love and selfish characters… Trust me, I got an A on my assignement about it.😉 😉


I’m  gonna go with Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz because I know it must be terrific but, you know, besides the cover, nothing really appeals to me, you know? I’m sorry, again. 


Definitively, Did I Mention I Love You? by Estelle Maskame because, you know, it reminds me soooooo so so much  of After by Anna Todd (the bad boy and the good girl and blah blah blah), but in this book, the vibes are different. This one is actually good, the writting is pretty great and the storyline is… interesting, you guys! Things happen, you know? I’m really looking forward to finish the series, for reeal this time (no like After…. ugh).


(This one is my 💘 , he is fat and adorable). I must say The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare because, oh, I’m so passionate about the world, the story, the TV series… and I know, I KNOW I’d loooooveeeee these books so much, it’s just that, have you seen all together? They are A LOT. AND THE SPIN-OFF SEIES AS WELL. AND LADY MIDNIGHT NOW. I’m sorry but, God, I feel asleep already.

I’m just gonna cuddle with Snorlax and don’t think about it. 😡


Not because I was afraid or anything, more like I-am-so-into-this-book-that-I-don’t-give-a-shit-about-sleep kind of thing, I would say The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey, which is the first book in the series and it kept me up all night because I loved every single word of it. The second was OK and I won’t be reading the third one because the publishing company here in Spain decided to change the cover JUST NOW WHEN IT’S ONLY ONE LEFT AND EVERYONE HAS THE OLD COVERS and the new one won’t match the other two… so, screw you, we won’t buy it. Think twice the next time 😁 😁 😁 The 5th wave was very very very good, though.


I have a ton but, if you make me choose (and you do) I would say… Blue and Gansey in The Raven Boys by Maggie StiefvaterYOU CAN FEEL THE CHEMISTRY, you can. I love unfortunate love and this is the highest exponent because he dies if she kisses him !!!!!!!!!!! Anything else to say? I think not.

The publishing company left me without the last book in the series AGAIN so, please, kill me. 😁 


I’ve had troubles with this one in particular, but I think I’ll choose The Selection Series by Kiera Cass because, come on, I read each book in a day and I literally couldn’t stop reading. I was always something happening and something intense. And love and war and everything was so… omg, I need to re-read this 😍 😍


Would you believe me if I’d say that I have never read a series that had a spin-off series? 😱 That’s a fact 😳 😳 I can’t answer this one properly then, but I’m gonna say The Harry Potter Series anyway, by J.K. ROWLING because, come on, don’t every one of you want to read some more about Hogwarts or magic or some characters in particular? I’d love to read a book about Voldemort’s life, how he became «He Who Cannot Be Named«, his life at Hogwarts, wouldn’t you? I know, I know it’s impossible but a girl can dream, can’t I? 😭 😭 😭


I’ll go with The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss without any doubt. I started reading it because my crush  told me to and I wasn’t expecting anything that… I’d love, you know? HAAAAAA, ANNA, YOU ARE STUPID. It turned out to be one of my 💜 book, my 💜series, my 💜 character, my 💜 plot-line…. you know? My 💜 everything!


Oh, I remember this summer when my brother and I caught these three. God, we were very excited!

OK, I’m gonna choose Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan because even though the hype and the movies I’ve already seen and the thousands of opinions I’ve already read… I still want to read the books  becasue I know for sure I’ll love them. I don’t know when but I am pretty excited about it. Maybe I’ll buy myself the box-set on Christmas 🎁 🎄  yeah… 😉


Not actually a collector’s edition itself, but I’m looking forward to have the entire Death cs_deathnote1-6Note series (Black Edition) by  Tsugumi Ohba. My boyfriend bought me the first two and I need them all. I loved the anime, I love the story, I’m in love with Light Yagami and I want
specifically this edition of the manga. Look how amazing it looks, come on, I need to buy the rest! 




I’ll go with Firsts by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn. I’ve heard the most amazing things about this novel, and it is translated as well! I know I’m going to read it as soon as I get it and, as it is, it’s the debut novel of the author so, it works pretty well !


A few months ago, I probably would have said Stephanie Perkins (even though I have read all she has written and published), but I think my auto-buy author now is Colleen Hoover. I love her books (and she has actually more than a trilogy, which is great). If it’s Colleen Hoover’s, I’ll love it so, let’s buy! 


And last but no least… I don’t know what this is. 😂 😂 I told you I haven’t played Pokemon Go yet, so If you have any clue, I’d appreeciate the info ! 

But the book that goes with it must be Doors of Stone,  which happens to be the third and final part of The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss. We have been waiting for this books FOREVER, but we don’t have either the synopsis or the cover, we don’t even know the release date. WE KNOW NOTHING SINCE 2011 and that’s not fair for us, Patrick, dear.

So, since WE KNOW NOTHING BOUT IT (thanks for that), I’ll pick the newest Jenny Hann book, that will come out next year I guess and (are you ready?) IT’S THE THIRD PART OF LARA JEAN’S DUOLOGY !!!!!!!! It’s called Always and Forever, Lara Jean and, oh, these books brought me so much joy that I can’t wait to read it !!!!!

250px-300skittySo, that’s everything for today’s post!!! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did while doing it! I’ve always love Pokemon and always will, it is something really special between me and my brother and it reminds me the good years and 😢 😢 😢 God, I want a Skitty so so so badly !

Well, see you yhe next time! And, OH, IF YOU LIKE PONEMON, PLEASE DO THIS TAG!!!!! It has been very funny!

🇪🇸 🇪🇸 Bueno, para los nominados me vuelvo al español just in case. 🙋 Miss Darcy de Béatrice Mercer Blog Literario, Elena de Estantería encantada, Laura de Ciudades literarias, Neira del blog Neiradas  & Sara del blog Entre Sonrisas Y PalabrasYa sabéis lo que os toca, corazones !!! 🇪🇸 🇪🇸 🇪🇸 🇪🇸

Feel free to comment and follow my blog if you want more fangirl-y posts like this one!

🙋 🙋See you, guys!!!! Love you with all my 💘


12 respuestas a “POKEMON GO BOOK TAG! 🇬🇧

  1. ¡Hola guapaa! Me ha encantado leerte en inglés jajajajajaja además me ha servido para practicar porque hace ya bastante que no toco el inglés 😦
    El tag es genial y coincidimos en algunas respuestas *-*
    Necesito que hagas mas entradas como estas 😉
    Un beso y nos leemosss <33

    Me gusta

    1. Ay, yo haría entradas de Pokemon y libros todos los días!!!! Y prometo ponerme al día con las entradas y recomendaciones de libros en inglés ! Me alegro mucho de que te haya gustado, ha sido la mar de divertido hacerlo !! 💛 mil besos y mil gracias !!!! 😍 😍

      Me gusta

  2. Aiii te ha quedado maravilloso el TAG ^-^ A The Raven Boys le tengo muchas ganas pero con eso de que el último libro no van a publicarlo en español estoy que me cago en todo lo cagable porque no voy a empezarlos si no puedo terminarlos T_T


    Me gusta

    1. Ya… es la peor noticia que me han dado en todo el año. QUE SOLO QUEDA UNO, POR EL AMOR DE DIOS!!!! Aunque aun así es una serie que recomiendo mucho, aunque sea en ingles… porque en español ya no 😭 😭

      Mil besos bonita! 💛💛

      Me gusta

    1. POR DIOS, CLARO QUE SI ! Haz el Tag y avísame porque me encantaría leerlo. Lo único que yo no lo he creado 😅 menciono a la creadora, que es el blog Read At Midnight (https://readatmidnight.com/2016/07/18/pokemon-go-book-tag/). Como la idea ha sido suya, menciónala a ella (y si me quieres mencionar como el blog donde lo has encontrado, genial, pero no hace falta. Como tú quieras!!!). 💙 💙 nos leemos bonita, ya me cuentas!

      Me gusta

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